Do you want long and healthy hair to enjoy all the eccentricities of hairstyles? Adopt these five tips, which stimulate hair growth.

For a while, long hair has been the hairstyle of the moment. It must be said that the beautiful wavy lengths immediately bring a glamorous side to our style and allow us to change our hairstyle as we see fit: in a high ponytail, in a hippie bun, in a bohemian braid or even natural, loose.

The biggest concern is that of the growth of our hair. Whether it’s because it simply doesn’t grow, or it’s too fragile, or because early spring inspired us to cut it, there are many reasons, but even though our hair grows one centimeter a month, there are some 100% natural treatments available on aesthetics centers such as Vie Aesthetics Harley Street that will allow us to speed up its regeneration.

Cut the ends

There is no secret to making hair grow faster: you should cut it. This may seem paradoxical but, nevertheless, it is very logical. In fact, if we continually postpone our appointment at the hairdresser, our ends will become refined, forks will appear and our lengths will become brittle. 

However, unhealthy hair grows less quickly. Therefore, cutting the ends will allow our hair to recover all its strength and vitality and therefore grow faster. Then we get into the habit of regularly going to the hairdresser, every 2 to 3 months to cut a few centimeters. The more frequent the appointments, the less we will have to cut because our hair will be less damaged.

Healthy food

A healthy and balanced diet is necessary to display beautiful skin, and also healthy hair. To promote its regeneration, we mainly resort to foods rich in iron, zinc, proteins, vitamins and essential fatty acids, such as red meat, seafood, legumes, green vegetables, fruits, eggs, nuts or fatty fish.

Exfoliate the scalp

Like the skin on the face, the scalp must also be exfoliated: excess sebum, dead cells, dandruff, all this and more affect hair regrowth. Apply to exfoliate once a week to remove all these impurities and purify the scalp with natural ingredients. 

For this, we need coarse salt, or ground coffee, to mix it with a little olive oil. It is applied to the root and massaged with the fingertips in circular motions for a few minutes before washing it off with shampoo. We always finish rinsing the shampoo with a stream of cold water, which protects the scalp and gives the hair a natural shine.

Massage your head

Scalp massage activates microcirculation which will accelerate hair regeneration. Twice a week, for 5 to 10 minutes, we give ourselves a little moment of sweetness by massaging the entire skull with the fingertips, using circular movements. 

We start at the nape of the neck before moving up to the top of the skull and ending at the level of the temples. The massage can be carried out without a product or using an invigorating essential oil blend such as pines, lemon, ylang-ylang or thyme essential oil. In addition to doing our hair good, this practice does us good in every way: we relax and feel better.


Hair masks are a staple to accelerate hair growth. In fact, it allows you to be deeply hydrated and nourished to restore your vitality and therefore grow faster. Once a week, we opt for one of these natural recipes.

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