The arrival of a baby brings many joys, whether you are a friend of the parents or a relative, that is why the newborn baby gift set Malaysia is a demonstration of affection, but so that this gift is not only symbolic, but also a gift beautiful and useful.

Considerations before the purchase

Before moving on to the list for baby gift sets Malaysia, you must first make some considerations: The gender of the baby, the size, if it is an only child, but if you have the necessary trust with the parents, does not hesitate to ask them directly what their needs are.

Breast pumps

This is a very useful gift, especially if the mother has to be away from home for a long time for work reasons. Depending on the frequency of absence, you can choose between manual or electric, or by brand according to your preference and/or experience.

Diaper bags

Diaper bags are one of those products that moms are going to use anyway, it is a gift that cannot be lost, there are several models and brands on the market, there are large bags for long walks with multiple compartments and small bags for short walks to bring what is just and necessary.

Tubs and/or bathtubs

The tubs can be small and easy to move, with or without a shower motor and with more qualities like the Jacuzzi tubs that are so fashionable. 

Camera and monitors to monitor the baby

Some people think that it is a bit excessive but there are other parents who do not want to skimp when it comes to security measures. Some cameras allow you to see the baby from your cell phone or other devices. Being an expensive gift, it is ideal to give as a group.

Baby gym

Gyms are one of those gifts that do not go out of style; there are different models, with different accessories and different prices.

Plates and cutlery

It is another of the inevitable gifts with fewer complications, there are many brands, designs, and a variety of materials. On the one hand, we have thermal plates, ideal for when babies are very young and you can keep food warm. In spoons there are models with long handles, short handles, plastic, silicone, thermosensors and more. It is a gift that can be easily obtained.


To give a car as a gift, it is better to consult directly with the parents, since there is a wide variety of models on the market, such as twin cars, cane cars, crib cars, travel cars, among others. Each one has different characteristics. That is why we recommend good coordination with parents. It is an ideal gift to give as a group.

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